Notes Taken by Atibhi Agrawal
👉🏻 Youtube Playlist Link
Video 1 : Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling
[Video 2 : How to start with distributed systems ?](
[Video 3 : What is load balancing ?](
Video 4 : What is consistent hashing ?
Video 5 : What is message queue and where is it used ?
[Video 6 : What is a microservice architecture and it's advantages ?](
Video 7 : What is database sharding ?
[Video 8 : How Netflix onboards content](
Video 9 : Tinder as a microservice architecture
[Video 10 : Whatsapp System Design](
Video 11 : What is distributed caching ?
[Video 12 : What is an API and how do you design it ?](
Video 13 : Capacity Estimations
Video 14 : Single Points of Failure
Video 15 : Introduction to NoSQL databases
Video 16 : How databases scale writes: The power of the log
Video 17 : Distributed Consensus and Data Replication strategies on the server